Meal Plan Week 7 – Pre-Purim!


Um, meal plan? Pre-Purim? Yesterday while out for Shabbos lunch my hostess apologized for serving on plasticware. My response? “You mean plasticware like I used last night so that I wouldn’t have dishes to wash after Shabbos?” Yes, it’s a busy week. No, we shouldn’t allow ourselves to be too frazzled because we know that it’s really just a warm up for Pesach prep.

Don’t worry if you’ve had to cut a few corners. Keep yourself relaxed and focused on your family. They’ll thank you for it.

So, what’s on the menu?? This week I’ve pushed my major Thursday shop off to later today (Sunday) so that I can start prepping and freezing for the Purim Seuda (meal plan for that coming up – stay tuned). So what’s on this week’s menu? Remember that accountability aspect I told you I love about blogging? Well, I’m going to wing it and create that meal plan NOW. 🙂

This week, the meal plan will begin with Sunday, not Friday as usual.

Meal Plan Week 7

Sunday: Vegetarian chili from last week in store bought taco shells.

Monday: Latkes still hanging around in the freezer (did someone say Pesach cleaning?) with cottage cheese and veggies.

Tuesday Pre-fast: Chunky squash carrot zuchini soup, whole wheat pasta with tuna, grapes.

Wednesday, Post-fast: Bagels, lox, cream cheese, veggies.

Thursday: Purim Seuda!