Meal Plan Week 8 – Using Up Our Chametz

Meal Plan Week 8 - Using Up Our Chametz

Well, Purim’s passed, and it was a whirlwind; a beautiful whirlwind of food, family, and fun. Best food related part? I didn’t have to cook extra for Shabbos this week (just popped a gefilte fish in the oven)! And now, merely days after Purim, here’s a little peak inside the first steps of my annual Pesach prep. It isn’t exactly kneeling on the floor type cleaning – got to allow for some transition – but it’s the annual first step.

Sitting down towards the end of Purim, I set out to sort the mishloach manos that have generously been delivered to our family. After sorting for degrees of healthy / unhealth food items, I begin our annual “chametz gamur” box. A cardboard box that remains by the pantry door from Purim until shortly before Pesach. We traditionally do not sell “real” chametz, ie pretzels, pasta, etc, but rather use it up or deliver it to local food drives prior to the start of the chag. In this vein, I suggest all gluten free readers perhaps brace themselves the next coming four weeks as we purge our house of pasta and clean out the freezer. Carb lovers? Join me 🙂

Week 8 Meal Plan

Friday night: Chicken soup, gefilte fish, quinoa, green beans.

Shabbos lunch: Gefilte fish, dijon ribs, squash pie, roasted baby potatoes, salad, mushroom zucchini muffins, fruit salad.

Sunday: Dijon ribs, squash pie, mushroom zucchini muffins, roasted baby potatoes.

Monday: Tomato soup, elbow pasta, and breaded fillet of sole, and steamed peas.

Tuesday: Breakfast burritos for dinner 🙂

Wednesday: Tomato soup, and grilled cheese, sliced veggies.

Thursday: Pancakes, cottage cheese, sliced veggies.

What’s on your menu this week? Interesting ideas for using up your chametz? Please share below!